Please verify this custom ESP32 WROOM board design

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Please verify this custom ESP32 WROOM board design

Postby spuzesp32 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:56 am

I'm in the process of doing my first custom PCB design. It has been quite a big learning process for me so far but I have finally come up with an initial schematic. The design is for a battery powered washing machine sensor and includes an LIS3DH accelerometer, a low quiescent current LDO (HT7833), a LiPo charging circuit (TP4056) and a voltage divider for measuring battery voltage. There is no USB-UART chip so I rely on RX/TX pins and an external chip for programming.

The primary aim of this design is very low power usage when in deep-sleep (I estimate 5uA for the WROOM32, 5uA for the LDO, 2uA for the accelerometer so it should be around 15uA). I'd love it if some ESP32 experts could tell me if there are any glaring errors or for any ways I could make the device even lower power.
WashingESP32.png (323.68 KiB) Viewed 3118 times

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