Connecting ESP32S with IOT relay Baord

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Connecting ESP32S with IOT relay Baord

Postby barry45 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:26 am

Hello, If I connect the ESP32S with IOT interface relay board ... interface/ and for the smartphone to control the switching wirelessly using application and by pairing the ESP32S via phone's Bluetooth any suggestions to make this easily pair the ESP32S with Smartphone's Bluetooth

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Re: Connecting ESP32S with IOT relay Baord

Postby kolban » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:58 pm

For an off the shelf product like this, I am imagining that the provider has written some software that runs on the on-board MCU. I would also imagine that the vendor has supplied documentation on how to interface with the board from a variety of sources.

Are there more details of the problems/puzzles you are finding? Is the product advertising a technique to connect via bluetooth but it isn't working? What have you tried so far and what were the results?
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Re: Connecting ESP32S with IOT relay Baord

Postby barry45 » Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:13 am

hello, thanks for the reply but lets just suggest me in simply that is it possible to connect the ESP32 with Android phones' Bluetooth without using any microcontroller? any application available for creating the wireless connection between esp32 and android's bluetooth ??

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