Get a Lolin32 to low-power upon deep/light sleep:

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Get a Lolin32 to low-power upon deep/light sleep:

Postby rin67630 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:54 am

I am dealing with a strange problem with Lolin32 & Lolin32/OLED boards: the power consumption is higher than it should when the Lolin32 is starting w/o USB, just powered by +5V.

Just plug the usb in a computer and unplug it and the current drops by 10mA!
I have tried to not initialize Serial and to avoid sending anything to Serial, that had no effect.

It seems that the CP2102 USB modem is powered on by default and goes into idle only when it detects a disconnection.
Does someone know a way to disconnect it from the ESP32 side?

By the way: deep sleep is not efficient for pauses <= 1 sec, since the reboot procedure draws too much current.
Light sleep draws ways less current.

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