BLE connection between a ESP-WROOM-32 and another BLE device

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BLE connection between a ESP-WROOM-32 and another BLE device

Postby m.biondo » Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:25 pm

has anyone tried to make a ble connection between a ESP-WROOM-32 and another ble device?
If yes, how do I have to configure the characteristics' attributes in order to write to them?
My problem is being able to write to any characteristic.
Is there anything I do wrong?
Thanks in advance for the help.

I connect a esp-wroom-32 device, to a ble device (Cypress).
the first one is central, the second one is a peripheral.
I manage to connect to the ble device, discover the primary services and characteristics, read the characteristics.
I do not manage to write to any characteristic.
All characteristics have:
read/write permissions (no encryption, no authentication, no autorization required);
read/write properties;
following are the discovered charactetistics and their types next to.
+BLEGATTCCHAR:"char",0,4,1,0x4CDA2F4442804C8088B111BB7F044C0D,0x0a and type uint8
+BLEGATTCCHAR:"char",0,4,2,0xC0D6CD494D6D4831BDAC206A10E7FD68,0x0a and type sint8
+BLEGATTCCHAR:"char",0,4,3,0x9E3657E0034447AF98A601311B3B3A5C,0x0a and type uint8 array (4 bytes)
+BLEGATTCCHAR:"char",0,4,4,0xE1D42502ECD14BACB113C7F68DE00185,0x0a and type utf8s (4 bytes)
So, if I try to write any of the above characteristics, I receive a disconnection and a error message.

after a few seconds
[0;32mI (2441509) BLE_AT_GATTC: EVT 4, gattc if 3
[0;32mI (2441510) BLE_AT_GATTC: EVT 41, gattc if 3
[0;32mI (2441510) BLE_AT_GATTC: EVT 5, gattc if 3
[0;32mI (2441515) BLE_AT_GATTC: DEL.1.only one node in list,free it, delete_node_from_conn_list#L1094[0m
[0;32mI (2441524) BLE_AT_GATTC: EVT 41, gattc if 4
[0;32mI (2441528) BLE_AT_GATTC: EVT 41, gattc if 5

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