size on P4

Posts: 2332
Joined: Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:00 pm size on P4

Postby chegewara » Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:41 pm

size-component on master is not ready to be used with P4 chips. It is giving binary size properly, more or less, but thats it

Code: Select all size

warning:  cannot assign memory region irom_seg to chip memory type
warning:  cannot assign memory region drom_seg to chip memory type
warning:  cannot assign memory region extern_ram_seg to chip memory type
warning:  HP core RAM overflow detected!: output section or its part .flash.init_array(addr: 1208364412, size: 248) does not fit into any memory region and will be assigned to the preceding tcm_idram_seg memory region
warning:  HP core RAM overflow detected!: output section or its part .flash.rodata(addr: 1208287520, size: 76892) does not fit into any memory region and will be assigned to the preceding tcm_idram_seg memory region
warning:  HP core RAM overflow detected!: output section or its part .flash.appdesc(addr: 1208287264, size: 256) does not fit into any memory region and will be assigned to the preceding tcm_idram_seg memory region
warning:  HP core RAM overflow detected!: output section or its part .flash.text(addr: 1207959584, size: 281640) does not fit into any memory region and will be assigned to the preceding tcm_idram_seg memory region
                              Memory Type Usage Summary                               
┃ Memory Type/Section     ┃ Used [bytes] ┃ Used [%] ┃ Remain [bytes] ┃ Total [bytes] ┃
│ HP core RAM             │       359126 │  4383.86 │        -350934 │          8192 │
│    .text_overflow       │       281640 │  3437.99 │                │               │
│    .rodata_overflow     │        76892 │   938.62 │                │               │
│    .appdesc_overflow    │          256 │     3.12 │                │               │
│    .init_array_overflow │          248 │     3.03 │                │               │
│    .data                │           60 │     0.73 │                │               │
│    .text                │           30 │     0.37 │                │               │
│ DIRAM                   │       107856 │    18.71 │         468608 │        576464 │
│    .text                │        76560 │    13.28 │                │               │
│    .bss                 │        19144 │     3.32 │                │               │
│    .data                │        12029 │     2.09 │                │               │
│ LP RAM                  │          128 │     0.39 │          32640 │         32768 │
│    .rtc_reserved        │           24 │     0.07 │                │               │
Total image size: 447467 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
The same code with set-target S3 seems to be fine:

Code: Select all

                            Memory Type Usage Summary                             
┃ Memory Type/Section ┃ Used [bytes] ┃ Used [%] ┃ Remain [bytes] ┃ Total [bytes] ┃
│ Flash Code          │       266726 │     3.18 │        8121850 │       8388576 │
│    .text            │       266726 │     3.18 │                │               │
│ Flash Data          │        82228 │     0.25 │       33472172 │      33554400 │
│    .rodata          │        79484 │     0.24 │                │               │
│    .bss             │         2488 │     0.01 │                │               │
│    .appdesc         │          256 │      0.0 │                │               │
│ DIRAM               │        73924 │    21.63 │         267836 │        341760 │
│    .text            │        49019 │    14.34 │                │               │
│    .bss             │        12840 │     3.76 │                │               │
│    .data            │        11932 │     3.49 │                │               │
│ IRAM                │        16383 │    99.99 │              1 │         16384 │
│    .text            │        15356 │    93.73 │                │               │
│    .vectors         │         1027 │     6.27 │                │               │
│ RTC FAST            │          280 │     3.42 │           7912 │          8192 │
│    .rtc_reserved    │           24 │     0.29 │                │               │
Total image size: 423800 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
PS size-components also seems to be somehow inaccurate

Code: Select all

┃ Archive File                    ┃ Total Size ┃ DIRAM ┃  .bss ┃ .data ┃ .text ┃ HP core RAM ┃ .init_array_overflow ┃ .rodata_overflow ┃ .appdesc_overflow ┃ .text_overflow ┃ .data ┃ .text ┃ LP RAM ┃ .rtc_reserved ┃
│ liblwip.a                       │     113433 │  2470 │  2458 │    12 │     0 │      110963 │                    0 │             3731 │                 0 │         107232 │     0 │     0 │      0 │             0 │
│ libusb.a                        │        152 │     0 │     0 │     0 │     0 │         152 │                    0 │                0 │                 0 │            152 │     0 │     0 │      0 │             0 │


Code: Select all

┃ Archive File                    ┃ Total Size ┃ IRAM ┃ .text ┃ .vectors ┃ DIRAM ┃  .bss ┃ .data ┃ .text ┃ Flash Code ┃ .text ┃ Flash Data ┃ .bss ┃ .rodata ┃ .appdesc ┃ RTC FAST ┃ .rtc_reserved ┃
│ liblwip.a                       │      94651 │    0 │     0 │        0 │    12 │     0 │    12 │     0 │      88450 │ 88450 │       6189 │ 2458 │    3731 │        0 │        0 │             0 │
│ libusb.a                        │       2553 │    0 │     0 │        0 │    12 │     4 │     8 │     0 │       2406 │  2406 │        135 │    0 │     135 │        0 │        0 │             0 │

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