Gamepad descriptor

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Gamepad descriptor

Postby Volanaro » Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:11 am

hey guys so im making a 2 button game pad for a sequencal shifter. i have everything working, but i want to change how windows see's it, at the moment it sees it as 8 axis 2 button device, in "game Controllers", how do i get it to see it as "sequencal shifter"

i get i need to use descriptor, but no idea how to do that, iv tired diffrent methords, but nothing works, im using the latest BleGamepad and NimBLE:

Code: Select all

#include <BleGamepad.h>
#include <BleGamepadConfiguration.h>

// Pin Definitions
const int BUTTON_1_PIN = 12;  // Pin for Button 1
const int BUTTON_2_PIN = 13;  // Pin for Button 2

// Create a gamepad configuration
BleGamepadConfiguration config;

// Initialize the gamepad instance with the name 'Gamepad Shifter'
BleGamepad gamepad("Sequential Shifter", "Craig Jenkins", 100);

void setup() {

    // Setup the gamepad configuration explicitly
    config.setModelNumber("Sequential Shifter"); 
    config.setVid(0x1234);  // Set your Vendor ID
    config.setPid(0x5678);  // Set your Product ID
    config.setGuidVersion(0x0110); // Set your GUID Version

    // Only declare buttons
    config.setButtonCount(2); // Set button count to 2
    config.setHatSwitchCount(0); // No hat switches

    gamepad.begin(&config); // Initialize with the configuration

    // Setup button pins as input with pull-ups

void loop() {
    static bool button1State = false;
    static bool button2State = false;

    bool currentButton1State = digitalRead(BUTTON_1_PIN) == LOW;  // Low means pressed
    bool currentButton2State = digitalRead(BUTTON_2_PIN) == LOW;  // Low means pressed

    // Button 1 Logic
    if (currentButton1State != button1State) {
        button1State = currentButton1State;

        if (button1State) {
  ; // Press Button 1
            Serial.println("Button 1 Pressed");
        } else {
            gamepad.release(1); // Release Button 1
            Serial.println("Button 1 Released");

    // Button 2 Logic
    if (currentButton2State != button2State) {
        button2State = currentButton2State;

        if (button2State) {
  ; // Press Button 2
            Serial.println("Button 2 Pressed");
        } else {
            gamepad.release(2); // Release Button 2
            Serial.println("Button 2 Released");

    // Send updated gamepad state

    // Add a delay to debounce button presses

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