io's strength config on esp32-s3

Posts: 443
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:16 am

io's strength config on esp32-s3

Postby Baldhead » Wed Sep 25, 2024 1:46 am


There is some example on how to set strength of all io's on esp32-s3 ?

Do i need any different configuration to set the io's strength of the LCD module ?

NOTE: Related function i find
esp_err_t gpio_set_drive_capability(gpio_num_t gpio_num, gpio_drive_cap_t strength);
esp_err_t gpio_hold_en(gpio_num_t gpio_num);


Posts: 443
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:16 am

Re: io's strength config on esp32-s3

Postby Baldhead » Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:35 am


The io 17 and 18 i can set to DriveCap: 3 but i can not set to DriveCap: 2, using only function gpio_set_drive_capability(), and the function did not return any errors.
Apparently all other io's set the value correctly.

Why ?

I tried that:
gpio_set_drive_capability( 17, GPIO_DRIVE_CAP_2);
gpio_set_drive_capability( 18, GPIO_DRIVE_CAP_2);


Code: Select all

================IO DUMP Start================
IO[17] -
  Pullup: 0, Pulldown: 0, DriveCap: 1
  InputEn: 0, OutputEn: 1, OpenDrain: 0
  FuncSel: 1 (GPIO)
  GPIO Matrix SigOut ID: 135
  SleepSelEn: 1

=================IO DUMP End==================
================IO DUMP Start================
IO[18] -
  Pullup: 0, Pulldown: 0, DriveCap: 1
  InputEn: 0, OutputEn: 1, OpenDrain: 0
  FuncSel: 1 (GPIO)
  GPIO Matrix SigOut ID: 136
  SleepSelEn: 1

=================IO DUMP End==================
io's 17 and 18 are outputs.
They are configured as data io db2 and db3 of lcd.

Posts: 443
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:16 am

Re: io's strength config on esp32-s3

Postby Baldhead » Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:28 pm


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