Protobuf-c compilation

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Protobuf-c compilation

Postby maurizio.scian » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:17 pm

Hi all
I tried different methods for compile my .proto files, but every time there is something wrong.
This solution ( is only for Linux, and it doesn't create the source files but only use them.
This solution ( doesn't create the source files too, but add another implementation of the protobuf compiler (seems be the original one from as component. I don't know why, the source code example only use the generated sources and doesn't create them. I would like compile protoc application instead for convert .proto files to c source for IDF project. From the last repository i took the test.proto file as sample for compare the output source: I tried to compile test.proto file with the official library ( but the generated source code is really different from the original one.

So my ask is if someone tried to compile protobuf-c library inside the idf's components directory. I use Windows operative system, so i can't use bash file. I tried to compile the folder source with cmake but seems incompatible.
How can I do?

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