The information is grouped in a single structure payload[]
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struct payload {
//***Operating Values from Victron/SmartShunt***
float BatV; // V Battery voltage, V
float BatV1; // V Battery voltage, V (Double or half Voltage)
float BatI; // I Battery current, A
float BatW; // BatV*BatI
float PanV; // VPV Panel voltage, V
float PanI; // PanW/PanV
float PanW; // PPV Panel power, W
float LodI; // IL Load Current A
float LodW; // LodI*BatV
float IOhm; // dV / dI
int ChSt; // CS Charge state, 0 to 9
int Err; // ERR Error code, 0 to 119
boolean LodOn; // LOAD ON Load output state, ON/OFF
} payload;
Now I would like to have n copies of that structure in the destination ESP32: an array of n instances of that structure, so the ESP32 could keep track of several senders, indexed by the array.
Has someone an idea on how to code that?
Thank you for your help...