The esp-modbus official example uses common structures for saving the modbus parameters for master and slave. ... ent.yml#L5
Also, the example has the dependency with other esp-modbus components (esp-timer, esp-mdns, etc). One simple way to solve any noncompliance when the some third party IDE and framework is to make your project standalone. The steps are below:
1. add the line below into project CMakeLists.txt file: ... sts.txt#L6
2. The component with common parameters is here: ... ple_common
Please copy the context of the above folder into components folder of your project.
3. Then copy also the folder with esp-modbus component from the following location:
components |--- -esp_modbus
|--- mb_example_common
|--- esp-mdns (if you use modbus TCP with mdns, copy the component here)
In this case your project will be able to be compiled with any supported esp-idf which is part of your third party IDE.
Let me know if you have any issues with this.