On the latest version of the ESP32-S3 TRM (
https://www.espressif.com/sites/default ... ual_en.pdf), page 389 mentions:
External Memory
- Supports up to 1 GB external flash
- Supports up to 1 GB external RAM
However, the memory map on the following page only shows 64 MB of virtual address space (data from 0x3c00_0000-0x3dff_ffff, instruction from 0x4200_0000-0x43ff_ffff) mapped. Is this a bug in the documentation, or is there something I'm missing about how to map a full GB of memory into the address space?
I see mentions of this 1 GB support in other forum threads (e.g.
https://esp32.com/viewtopic.php?t=33675&start=10), but all of the hardware actually uses 32 MB (or less).