ESP32 + PH Sensor

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ESP32 + PH Sensor

Postby hosker4u » Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:06 pm

This is my first little project. I have purchased a PH Sensor and an ESP32 Development Board.

I've connected the ESP32 to the PH Sensor:
  • 3v3 to V+
  • Gnd to G
  • Pin 35 to Po
Unfortunately, the PH Sensor just returns a 4095, no matter what the PH level of the water is.

This is new to me but I think this is maybe because of the ADC_RESOLUTION or the VOLTAGE_REFERENCE.

Unfortunately, I can not find the datasheet for the PH Sensor Chip.

Does this make sense?
Any ideas on the data sheet (the PH Sensor has no model number on it)?
Is it possible to step down, with resistors or something?

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