I want to make ble scanner. I'm playing with gatt_client demo example:
https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/bl ... ttc_demo.c
I have configured needed info output and now I want to "cut off" all GATT stuff (since I using only GAP feature - scan).
But when I removing this functions:
Code: Select all
// //register the callback function to the gattc module
ret = esp_ble_gattc_register_callback(esp_gattc_cb);
ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "%s gattc register failed, error code = %x\n", __func__, ret);
ret = esp_ble_gattc_app_register(PROFILE_A_APP_ID);
if (ret){
ESP_LOGE(GATTC_TAG, "%s gattc app register failed, error code = %x\n", __func__, ret);
Is is essential to register GAP and GATT callbacks together? Is it possible to register just GAP, without gatt profiles, callbacks and so on?