Hello Friends,
I have little problem with pin 20 on ESP32 S3.
After start it is always goes high.
Is it because the pin 20 on ESP32 S3 has USB-JTAG?
Will it help if I burn the efuse with espefuse.py tool?
In my case relay is connected on pin 20, so even when I set it to LOW in setup loop, it still makes click.
pin 20 on ESP32 S3 goes high after start
Re: pin 20 on ESP32 S3 goes high after start
If you do this and its still high, something else is going on.
gpio_reset_pin(GPIO_NUM_20); gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_20, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_20, LOW);
gpio_reset_pin(GPIO_NUM_20); gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_20, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_20, LOW);
Re: pin 20 on ESP32 S3 goes high after start
Do you really mean pin 20 or GPIO 20? Pin 20 is GPIO 10 on the ESP32S3.
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