How to set song playing position on phone from esp32

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How to set song playing position on phone from esp32

Postby horatio » Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:44 am

I've got an esp32 Bluetooth receiver that I'm sending music to via my android phone. I'm running the esp-idf example a2dp_sink project which works well. I want to be able to adjust the playback position on the phone from the esp32, send a value and have the track skip to that point.

From what I understand so far, I need to send some sort of AVCRP command, but I'm struggling to get any further than that. I'm not 100% sure it's even possible, I haven't found much when I searched online.

If anyone could give me a push in the right direction/talk some sense into me, I would be most grateful.

Many thanks

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