1st board

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1st board

Postby hpservertech » Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:57 pm

Go gentle on me, this is the first time I had designed a board to use a chip instead of the prebuilt devices on one of my boards. Now that the rest of my board is all designed and prototyped I am moving some things over to SMD & going to start having the chip on the board. Reasons for moving is primarily to have an external antenna (going in a metal enclosure), costs and labor. Soldering all the pins to headers takes time.

Is there anything different I need to do once they are through assembly? Meaning, once they arrive will I have to load anything different or do anything special to flash over my existing code? Will be using the ESP32-WROOM-32UE-N8. I am 90% confident in the schematic as it was based on the Sparkfun schematic (https://github.com/sparkfun/ESP32-S2_Thing_Plus). Also used the Artofcircuits schematic as a reference since that is the same board I had been using for my prototype (https://github.com/artofcircuits/Store/ ... ni%20ESP32

I removed the headers, everything will connect to devices on the existing board design, remove the qwic connector & battery charger section. Do I need to hae the gpio button still from the Sparkfun circuit?

Never did my own board so just want to make sure I get as much right the 1st time as possible. I made sure the dp+ & dp- were differential pairs. The PDF is my schematic after changes.

ESP Schematic.pdf
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Re: 1st board

Postby ESP_Sprite » Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:19 am

Fwiw, I don't see any obvious issues with that schematic.

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