ESP32 E-Paper Weather Display

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Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:06 am

ESP32 E-Paper Weather Display

Postby lmarzen » Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:20 am

Hello everyone,

I got tired of forgetting to check my weather app in the morning, so I created this E-Paper weather display powered by an ESP32. The ESP32 retrieves current and forecasted weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API. I think it turned out very nice, and wanted to share it. I have created detailed documentation for this project on my GitHub. For those interested, the source code and instructions on how to build it can be found here:

assembled-demo-raleigh-front.jpg (2.01 MiB) Viewed 4278 times
assembled-demo-raleigh-side.jpg (1.91 MiB) Viewed 4278 times
assembled-demo-raleigh-back.jpg (2.07 MiB) Viewed 4278 times

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:09 pm

Re: ESP32 E-Paper Weather Display

Postby polyakbalazs » Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:37 pm

Woah, it looks great!

Well done, nice job there!

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