Does esp_now_send queue?

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Does esp_now_send queue?

Postby wuyuanyi » Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:16 pm

In the documentation: ... p-now-data
If there is a lot of ESP-NOW data to send, call esp_now_send() to send less than or equal to 250 bytes of data once a time. Note that too short interval between sending two ESP-NOW datas may lead to disorder of sending callback function. So, it is recommended that sending the next ESP-NOW data after the sending callback function of previous sending has returned. The sending callback function runs from a high-priority WiFi task. So, do not do lengthy operations in the callback function. Instead, post necessary data to a queue and handle it from a lower priority task.
Does this mean, if I do not care about the packet order and the sending status, I could call esp_now_send arbitrarily?


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