ESP32C3 doesn't assign IP when I restart wifi provisioning manager

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ESP32C3 doesn't assign IP when I restart wifi provisioning manager

Postby keyurthumar » Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:16 pm

I am working on wifi provisioning manager example.

I want to restart the wifi provisioning manager when ESP station can not connect to AP provided during provisioning.

But for that ESP doesn't assign IP to device when I start reprovisioning.

I have made changes in the function with bool variable as below. changes from example highlighted in bold. Also attached logs here.

Code: Select all

esp_err_t softap_provisioning_init(bool is_reprvosioning)
    esp_err_t ret = 0;
    const esp_timer_create_args_t oneshot_timer_soft_ap_args = {
        .callback = &soft_ap_expiry_cb,
        .name = "one-shot-on"

    ret = esp_timer_create(&oneshot_timer_soft_ap_args, &soft_ap);
    if(ret != ESP_OK)
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error in create soft ap timer");
        return ret;

   [b] if (!is_reprvosioning)[/b]
        /* Initialize TCP/IP */

        /* Initialize the event loop */
        wifi_event_group = xEventGroupCreate();

        /* Register our event handler for Wi-Fi, IP and Provisioning related events */
        ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(WIFI_PROV_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &event_handler, NULL));
        ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(WIFI_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &event_handler, NULL));
        ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(IP_EVENT, IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, &event_handler, NULL));

        /* Initialize Wi-Fi including netif with default config */

        wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
    /* Configuration for the provisioning manager */
    wifi_prov_mgr_config_t config = {
        /* What is the Provisioning Scheme that we want ?
         * wifi_prov_scheme_softap or wifi_prov_scheme_ble */
        .scheme = wifi_prov_scheme_ble,
        .scheme = wifi_prov_scheme_softap,

        /* Any default scheme specific event handler that you would
         * like to choose. Since our example application requires
         * neither BT nor BLE, we can choose to release the associated
         * memory once provisioning is complete, or not needed
         * (in case when device is already provisioned). Choosing
         * appropriate scheme specific event handler allows the manager
         * to take care of this automatically. This can be set to
         * WIFI_PROV_EVENT_HANDLER_NONE when using wifi_prov_scheme_softap*/
        .scheme_event_handler = WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BTDM
        .scheme_event_handler = WIFI_PROV_EVENT_HANDLER_NONE

    /* Initialize provisioning manager with the
     * configuration parameters set above */

    bool provisioned = false;
    /* Let's find out if the device is provisioned */
    printf("provisioned = %d",provisioned);

    wifi_config_t wifi_cred_old;
    esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, &wifi_cred_old);

    /* If device is not yet provisioned start provisioning service */
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting provisioning");

    /* What is the Device Service Name that we want
        * This translates to :
        *     - Wi-Fi SSID when scheme is wifi_prov_scheme_softap
        *     - device name when scheme is wifi_prov_scheme_ble
    char service_name[12];
    get_device_service_name(service_name, sizeof(service_name));

    /* What is the security level that we want (0 or 1):
        *      - WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_0 is simply plain text communication.
        *      - WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1 is secure communication which consists of secure handshake
        *          using X25519 key exchange and proof of possession (pop) and AES-CTR
        *          for encryption/decryption of messages.
    wifi_prov_security_t security = WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1;

    /* Do we want a proof-of-possession (ignored if Security 0 is selected):
        *      - this should be a string with length > 0
        *      - NULL if not used
    const char *pop = "abcd1234";

    /* What is the service key (could be NULL)
        * This translates to :
        *     - Wi-Fi password when scheme is wifi_prov_scheme_softap
        *          (Minimum expected length: 8, maximum 64 for WPA2-PSK)
        *     - simply ignored when scheme is wifi_prov_scheme_ble
    const char *service_key = NULL;

    /* This step is only useful when scheme is wifi_prov_scheme_ble. This will
        * set a custom 128 bit UUID which will be included in the BLE advertisement
        * and will correspond to the primary GATT service that provides provisioning
        * endpoints as GATT characteristics. Each GATT characteristic will be
        * formed using the primary service UUID as base, with different auto assigned
        * 12th and 13th bytes (assume counting starts from 0th byte). The client side
        * applications must identify the endpoints by reading the User Characteristic
        * Description descriptor (0x2901) for each characteristic, which contains the
        * endpoint name of the characteristic */
    uint8_t custom_service_uuid[] = {
        /* LSB <---------------------------------------
            * ---------------------------------------> MSB */
        0xb4, 0xdf, 0x5a, 0x1c, 0x3f, 0x6b, 0xf4, 0xbf,
        0xea, 0x4a, 0x82, 0x03, 0x04, 0x90, 0x1a, 0x02,

    /* If your build fails with linker errors at this point, then you may have
        * forgotten to enable the BT stack or BTDM BLE settings in the SDK (e.g. see
        * the sdkconfig.defaults in the example project) */
    /* An  endpoint that applications can create if they expect to
        * get bugsy time configuration during provisioning workflow.
        * This call must be made before starting the provisioning.
    [b]if (!is_reprvosioning)[/b]
    /* Start provisioning service */
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security, pop, service_name, service_key));
    /* The handler for the bugsy time configuration endpoint created above.
        * This call must be made after starting the provisioning, and only if the endpoint
        * has already been created above.
    wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_register("proto-time", get_time_handler, NULL);

    /* Uncomment the following to wait for the provisioning to finish and then release
        * the resources of the manager. Since in this case de-initialization is triggered
        * by the default event loop handler, we don't need to call the following */
    // wifi_prov_mgr_wait();
    // wifi_prov_mgr_deinit();
    /* Print QR code for provisioning */
    wifi_prov_print_qr(service_name, pop, PROV_TRANSPORT_BLE);
    wifi_prov_print_qr(service_name, pop, PROV_TRANSPORT_SOFTAP);
    is_connected_to_mobile = false;
    esp_timer_start_once(soft_ap, PROVISIONING_MANAGER_WAIT_TIME_IN_SEC * 1000000);
    printf("Soft AP timer starts\n");
    soft_ap_flag = true;
    if (!is_reprvosioning)
    printf("provisioned = %d\n",provisioned);
    if(provisioned && !is_connected_to_mobile){
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Already provisioned, starting Wi-Fi STA");

        /* We don't need the manager as device is already provisioned,
        * so let's release it's resources */

        if (esp_wifi_set_storage(WIFI_STORAGE_FLASH) != ESP_OK) {
            ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to set storage Wi-Fi");
            return ESP_FAIL;
        ret = esp_wifi_set_config(WIFI_IF_STA, &wifi_cred_old);
        if (ret != ESP_OK) {
            ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to set empty Wi-Fi credentials");
        ret = esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, &wifi_cred_old);
        printf("ssid = %s , pwd = %s\n",wifi_cred_old.sta.ssid, wifi_cred_old.sta.password);

        /* Start Wi-Fi station */

    /* Wait for Wi-Fi connection */
    xEventGroupWaitBits(wifi_event_group, WIFI_CONNECTED_EVENT, false, true, portMAX_DELAY);
    return ESP_OK;

Logs below.
I (43859) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,1>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<0,0>, prof:1
I (43859) wifi:station: c2:df:4a:7e:5c:f1 join, AID=1, bgn, 20
W (43999) wifi:<ba-add>idx:2 (ifx:1, c2:df:4a:7e:5c:f1), tid:0, ssn:0, winSize:64
I (61979) wifi:station: c2:df:4a:7e:5c:f1 leave, AID = 1, bss_flags is 134243, bss:0x3fca8398
I (61979) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<0,0>, prof:1
W (61989) wifi:<ba-del>idx
I (66069) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<0,0>, prof:1
I (66069) wifi:station: c2:df:4a:7e:5c:f1 join, AID=1, bgn, 20
W (66169) wifi:<ba-add>idx:2 (ifx:1, c2:df:4a:7e:5c:f1), tid:0, ssn:0, winSize:64

Can anyone please help with this ?

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