ESP32 boot strapping pins problem (GPIO15 and GPIO5)

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ESP32 boot strapping pins problem (GPIO15 and GPIO5)

Postby fafeyto » Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:07 am


I am desiging a PCB that includes an ESP32. I have question about strapping pins of the ESP32-WROOM-32E. My design is suitable below picture only for GPIO 0,GPIO 12,GPIO2 pins. Unfortunately, I have to connect GPIO15 (MTDO) to GND with my pull down resistor (30kOhm) to disable a few elements initially passive for power consumption.
Also, all pins are full.Last days,I tried that connect to GPIO15 and GPIO5 GND with 26.7kOhm pull down resistor. I had no problems during a booting. It was successed.


When booting, voltage levels of GPIO15 and GPIO5 decreased to about 1.7Volts.In my opininon, It behaves as a basic voltage divider. This also show that, These pins really pull up resistor during boot.

After boot i.e after reset ,I was able to configure as a logic 1 or logic 0.I had no problem. But, When I dont configure these pins, These pins stay default value as about 1.7V.

Later, When during a deep sleep, I controlled these pins. ESP32 really pulls down to these pins.I had no problem.

At now, I have question mark about during a deep sleep. Does esp32 draw unexpected current due to default internal pull up resistors when it sleeps? For example: little output sink current from +3V3 to GPIO15 or GPIO5.

I read datasheet more. I found the document I highlighted in yellow below. I am confused. I just wanted to put my mind at ease and I want to ask you. I want to clarify this before I send it to manufactoring.

Please help me :)

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