ESP32 devKitC to ESP32 Lolin32 Wemos pins

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ESP32 devKitC to ESP32 Lolin32 Wemos pins

Postby stealthrt » Sat May 14, 2022 2:10 am

Hey all.

I am trying to figure out what pins below are equal to the ones on my ESP32 Lolin32 board.

And looking at their schematic I see that they call out GPIO 16, 17, 18 & 19. However, I do not have the same pin layout as they do...Go figure...
- GPIO 19 -> SWG main board clock
- GPIO 18 -> SWG main board data
- GPIO 17 -> Display board clock
- GPIO 16 -> Display board data

So, I take it my layout would be:

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ESP32 DevKitC	  |	ESP32 Lolin32
GPIO 19	          ->	GPIO 19 (MISO)
GPIO 18	          ->	GPIO 18 (SCK/CLK)
GPIO 17	          ->	GPIO 17 (TX)
GPIO 16	          ->	GPIO 16 (RX)
That look correct?

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