Can someone help me find the problem. I am testing 6 temperature sensors (3 digital, 3 analog). The digital ones are "DS18B20" which I trust, the analog ones are "MCP9701A", "TC1047A" and "MCP9700A". By reading the analog sensors using Arduino-UNO or Arduino-mega the results of the 6 sensors are almost identical and I don't face any problem. But when make the test using the ESP32-devkitc-v4 I obtain wrong reading from the 3 analog sensors. In the code "serial monitor" I obtain a voltage value completely different from the one I measure physically by a multi-meter
For example : The 3 digital sensors a giving the value of 23.56C to 23.81C but for the "MCP9701A" analog sensor I obtain 16.26C and the voltage obtain in the serial monitor is 0.718 volts, however it is 0.851 volts by the multi-meter. And according to the calculations from the data-sheet: (0.851-0.4)/(19.5mVolts)= 23.12C which is so close to the digital sensors. I have the same problem with the other analog sensors, so if you can help me find my error, I will appreciate it.
Here are the data-sheets of the analog sensors:
MCP9701A and MCP9711A ... 01942G.pdf
TC1047A ... 21498D.pdf
Here is my code:
Code: Select all
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include "driver/adc.h"
// GPIO where the DS18B20 is connected to
const int oneWireBus = 4;
// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
OneWire oneWire(oneWireBus);
// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature sensor
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
#define analogInPin0 35
#define analogInPin1 32
#define analogInPin2 33
float analogTempTC1047=0.0;
float analogTempMCP9700=0.0;
float analogTempMCP9701=0.0;
float volt0=0.0;
float volt1=0.0;
float volt2=0.0;
int sensorValue0 = 0;
int sensorValue1 = 0;
int sensorValue2 = 0;
void setup() {
// Start the Serial Monitor
// Start the DS18B20 sensor
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
sensorValue0 = analogRead(analogInPin0);
sensorValue1 = analogRead(analogInPin1);
sensorValue2 = analogRead(analogInPin2);
volt0= (3.3/4096.0)*sensorValue0;
analogTempMCP9701= ((volt0-0.4)/0.0195);
volt1= (3.3/4096.0)*sensorValue1;
analogTempTC1047= ((volt1-0.5)/0.01);
volt2= (3.3/4096.0)*sensorValue2;
analogTempMCP9700= ((volt2-0.5)/0.01);
float temperatureC1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
float temperatureC2 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(1);
float temperatureC3 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(2);
Serial.print("S1= ");
Serial.print(", S2= ");
Serial.print(", S3= ");
Serial.print("ºC,------- ");
Serial.print("input sensor1= ");
Serial.print(", volt1= ");
Serial.print("= ");
Serial.print(volt0, 3);
Serial.print(", Analog sensor MCP9701 = ");
Serial.print("input sensor2= ");
Serial.print(", volt2= ");
Serial.print("= ");
Serial.print(volt1, 3);
Serial.print(" --Analog sensor TC1047 = ");
Serial.print("input sensor3= ");
Serial.print(", volt2= ");
Serial.print("= ");
Serial.print(volt2, 3);
Serial.print(" --Analog sensor MCP9700 = ");
Code: Select all
S1= 23.56ºC, S2= 23.81ºC, S3= 23.50ºC,------- input sensor1= 895, volt1= = 0.721, Analog sensor MCP9701 = 16.47----input sensor2= 747, volt2= = 0.602 --Analog sensor TC1047 = 10.18----input sensor3= 752, volt2= = 0.606 --Analog sensor MCP9700 = 10.59
S1= 23.56ºC, S2= 23.75ºC, S3= 23.50ºC,------- input sensor1= 894, volt1= = 0.720, Analog sensor MCP9701 = 16.42----input sensor2= 747, volt2= = 0.602 --Analog sensor TC1047 = 10.18----input sensor3= 755, volt2= = 0.608 --Analog sensor MCP9700 = 10.83
S1= 23.56ºC, S2= 23.75ºC, S3= 23.50ºC,------- input sensor1= 905, volt1= = 0.729, Analog sensor MCP9701 = 16.88----input sensor2= 746, volt2= = 0.601 --Analog sensor TC1047 = 10.10----input sensor3= 753, volt2= = 0.607 --Analog sensor MCP9700 = 10.67