Eagle Library Trace for ESP32-C3 Wi-Fi Antenna?

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Eagle Library Trace for ESP32-C3 Wi-Fi Antenna?

Postby Bodhi1 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:25 pm

Hello, I am working on a custom PCB with a ESP32-C3FH4. I have only made 2 other custom PCB's and neither had a built in wifi antenna. I have read all the Espressif docs on the subject and I think I understand all the placement and noise reduction recommendations (option 3 in my case) but I would be much more comfortable if I could find a eagle library for the trace itself. I have searched google, git and duckduckgo without much success. I am making a run of 250pcs (after one proto) to begin with so I really don't want to make a mistake. Thanks, Bodhi

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