GPIO 13 not functional with WiFi

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GPIO 13 not functional with WiFi

Postby streetec » Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:35 am

I have an issue regarding the usage of GPIO13 and WiFi.

Reading the docs, the only restriction regarding WiFi and GPIO 13 I could find was the usage of ADC2 and WiFi at the same time is not possible.

I now have the issue, that I cannot use GPIO13 as an digital output when using WiFi.

I've got an SPI Display hooked up with its reset pin to GPIO13. When I do not include any WiFi library functions, my display and everything around it is working great! As soon as I include WiFi.h and use a funtion (like WiFi.softAP() or so) D13 does not reset the display anymore (Even when I call WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF)).

I also tryed not using the WiFi library but coding it "by hand" from the esp_wifi.h header, same issue persists.

Can somebody explain this behavior?

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