ESP32 C3 用smartconfig配网不成功问题

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ESP32 C3 用smartconfig配网不成功问题

Postby carsonche » Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:20 am

大家好,最近在用ESP32 C3做项目,用的是IDF 4.3在做smartconfig时发现配网成功率很低,于是用smartconfig的例程直接编译下载同样是成功率很低。基本卡在smartconfig_example: Found channel就走不下去。然后app就报错,app用的是ESPTOUCH v2.0
I (616) wifi:set rx active PTI: 0, rx ack PTI: 12, and default PTI: 1
I (616) wifi:mode : sta (7c:df:a1:42:64:04)
I (616) wifi:enable tsf
I (666) smartconfig: SC version: V3.0.1
I (4766) wifi:ic_enable_sniffer
I (4766) smartconfig: Start to find channel...
[0;32mI (4766) smartconfig_example: Scan done[0m
I (27456) smartconfig: TYPE: ESPTOUCH
I (27456) smartconfig: T|AP MAC: 50:64:2b:d8:02:f0
I (27456) smartconfig: Found channel on 7-0. Start to get ssid and password...
[0;32mI (27466) smartconfig_example: Found channel[0m
I (118456) wifi:ic_disable_sniffer
I (118456) smartconfig: smartconfig restart
I (118506) smartconfig: SC version: V3.0.1
I (122606) wifi:ic_enable_sniffer
I (122606) smartconfig: Start to find channel...
[0;32mI (122606) smartconfig_example: Scan done[0m
I (135806) smartconfig: TYPE: ESPTOUCH
I (135806) smartconfig: T|AP MAC: 50:64:2b:d8:02:f0
I (135806) smartconfig: Found channel on 7-0. Start to get ssid and password...
[0;32mI (135806) smartconfig_example: Found channel[0m
I (181806) wifi:ic_disable_sniffer
I (181806) smartconfig: smartconfig restart
I (181856) smartconfig: SC version: V3.0.1
I (185946) wifi:ic_enable_sniffer
I (185946) smartconfig: Start to find channel...
[0;32mI (185946) smartconfig_example: Scan done[0m


Posts: 10
Joined: Tue May 25, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: ESP32 C3 用smartconfig配网不成功问题

Postby carsonche » Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:56 am

最新发现,应该跟手机有关系,我用手机华为P9 安卓系统就没问题,华为P40 鸿蒙系统就一直配置不成功问题。不知道是否系统差异,还是某些设置不对,有知道的朋友可以探讨一下。

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Re: ESP32 C3 用smartconfig配网不成功问题

Postby ESP_LJY » Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:57 am

使用 ESPTouch V2 时, smartconfig 示例中

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Re: ESP32 C3 用smartconfig配网不成功问题

Postby fst202130609 » Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:46 am

请问你用的是什么APP,是esptouch APP??如果用esptouch V2不是还要输入AES秘钥吗?AES秘钥是什么?

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