Esp-mesh max device in a network and the max layer in network and max devices in layer

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Esp-mesh max device in a network and the max layer in network and max devices in layer

Postby assemabdelmoniem » Tue Apr 06, 2021 3:01 pm

Hi all,
I have a iot project for fishfarms and i just want to konw if i can do it by esp mesh or not so i have a few constrains
1-the farm contian alot of Basins over very large area about 200000 m^2 and there is no cellular cover or internet expect in a few points at the corners of the farm not in the middle so can i bulid a mesh network for the whole farm if we assume that each basin need one device so the network have about 2000 device can be done in a netwrok and if it can be devide into 3 netwrok is it applicable
2- so if it can be done so can how a node know the shortest way to root that have internet and if a node in that path is down can it find another path to the root i mean the the paths from the nodes to root that have internet must be fixed manually or there is an auto way that the node find it way to root
3-aslo how to know if some nodes are down and add new nodes to network
4- in such network what is messages time rate i mean that can i receive reading for the whole farm each 10 min and what is the size of message then
5- what is the time need for the network to restart or in other way how much time need to nodes to check the the path to the root is working not down and find alternative path if there other ones available.
I know that i asked too much but thanks in advance for any answer that help me in search.

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