I have done this with IDF in the past. In my case I was porting a library specifically as a component.
After your idf_component_register, you can add a line...
Code: Select all
set_target_properties(${COMPONENT_LIB} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-maybe-uninitialized)
In my case, and perhaps you would like to do similar; I singled out the specific offending source file.
Code: Select all
set_source_files_properties(your/path/to/source/file/here.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-maybe-uninitialized)
Best Regards
While this will get around the immediate issue, I will note that compilers are pretty good at catching such things and rarely make a fuss unless its real. I would take a look at the source in question and verify and/or bring it to the attention of the maintainer of the library.