mimirOpen: Env IoT Sensor for Plants

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mimirOpen: Env IoT Sensor for Plants

Postby lloydrichards » Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:16 pm


Over the last couple of years, I've been developing a project for using machine learning to recommend house plants based on environmental data. This project has many parts, but one of the main components was developing a standardized sensor for collecting and sending data to our servers. Starting out two years ago with microcontrollers and a breadboard, the design and realization of this have come quite far with the current version being a fully integrated PCB with temp, hum, light, and air sensors built around an ESP32 WROOM 32D. I am in no way an expert in electronics (in fact, I'm professionally a garden designer) so much of what I've learnt has been a result of the Open Hardware community. Thus, it was important to me to release everything I've learnt on the hardware and software side back with OSH.


While the current version is a minimally viable prototype (MVP) for the greater project, it is at a point where my limited expertise is being outcompeted with the minutia of optimization and professional best practices. I am therefore at the point where I would love some help with the hardware/software side of things. Above is a link to the GitHub repo for the project which has the core of the code that I'm working on day in and day out as I improve the current version while also developing the UI for the frontend.

If anyone is looking for a new OSH project to develop or is maybe interested in using ML and horticulture, or maybe just needs an environmental sensor for themselves and would like a kickstart, then I would love to hear from you. I'm also hoping that by putting this project out there, then I'll get questions and pushback that will help me to fill out the repo a bit. As most of this is just by myself, I've not needed to produce much in the way of documentation, therefore if you have any questions or comments please throw them up and I'll do my best to clarify.

Thanks and look forward to working on this more!
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