Secured link with BLE (Security Manager Protocol)

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Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:14 pm

Secured link with BLE (Security Manager Protocol)

Postby scarfys » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:43 pm


I am trying to do a secure Bluetooth Low Energy link between the ESP32 and the smartphone but I'm not able to find any reference about it in the documentation. Is there any example about it? Which is the way to do it?

Thank you

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Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:03 am

Re: Secured link with BLE (Security Manager Protocol)

Postby baltersice » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:23 pm

Wanted to provide a bare minimum of security for a quick public demonstration and decided to add a push button to a GPIO pin, that has to be pressed while connecting. Wouldn't secure my credit card info like that, but for what I needed it works fine!

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