Custom ESP32 Pico D4 PCB not booting

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Custom ESP32 Pico D4 PCB not booting

Postby mspider65 » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:49 pm

I'm trying to program my custom PCB board based on the ESP32 Pico D4 but the serial interface doesn't show anything.
The PCB design is the following: ... 8Final.pdf

The connection is done using a serial to USB FTDI adapter (configured for 3.3v operations) connected to the P1 header of the board.
At the moment the board is powered, connecting 3,3V and GND coming from the FTDI adapter directly on the P1 header.
All the pin levels seems to be correct (GPIO0, EN, 3v3, GND) but i'm not able to receive anything on my serial monitor (i'm using Putty on Windows).
The FTDI is ok because the same adapter connected to the RX0-TX0-3V3-GND pins of another ESP32 Dev Kit is able to power-up and program the board.

I have tested two different board samples and the problem is the same on both boards.
I have doble checked everything, and probably i'm missing somethings.
Could someone help me?


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