EthernetWebServer for ESP32, Mega, Teensy boards using Ethernet shields

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EthernetWebServer for ESP32, Mega, Teensy boards using Ethernet shields

Postby khoih-prog » Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:26 pm

You can install directly from Arduino Library Manager

From v1.0.3+, the library supports more Arduino boards ( SAM DUE, SAMD: ZERO, MKR, NANO_33_IOT, M0, M0 Pro, AdaFruit CIRCUITPLAYGROUND_EXPRESS, etc.)

From v1.0.2+, the library supports many more Arduino boards (Atmel AVR-s, Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3, STM32F series, ESP8266, ESP32, Intel ARC32(Genuino101), Nordic nRF51(RFduino), Teensy boards, Realtek Ameba(RTL8195A,RTL8710)) using Wiznet W5x00 or ENC28J60 EThernet shields by using UIPEthernet library library besides standard Ethernet library (

This is simple yet complete WebServer library for ESP32, ESP8266, AVR, Teensy,SAM, STM32F, Intel, etc. boards running Ethernet shields. The functions are similar and compatible to ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer libraries to make life much easier to port sketches from ESP8266/ESP32.

The library supports
1. HTTP Server and Client
2. HTTP GET and POST requests, provides argument parsing, handles one client at a time.

Library is based on and modified from:
1. Ivan Grokhotkov's ESP8266WebServer ( ... 6WebServer)

The EthernetWebServer class found in EthernetWebServer.h header, is a simple web server that knows how to handle HTTP requests such as GET and POST and can only support one simultaneous client.

Sample Code

Code: Select all

#include <SPI.h>

// Use true  for ENC28J60 and UIPEthernet library (
// Use false for W5x00 and Ethernetx library      (
#define USE_UIP_ETHERNET   true

#include <EthernetWebServer.h>

  // For Teensy 4.0
  #if defined(__IMXRT1062__)
  #define BOARD_TYPE      "TEENSY 4.0"
  #elif ( defined(__MKL26Z64__) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR) )
  #define BOARD_TYPE      "TEENSY LC or 2.0"
  #define BOARD_TYPE      "TEENSY 3.X"
// For Mega
#define BOARD_TYPE      "AVR Mega"

// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.

byte mac[] = {
  0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED

// Select the IP address according to your local network
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 2, 100);

EthernetWebServer server(80);

const int led = 13;

void handleRoot()
  server.send(200, "text/plain", "Hello from EthernetWebServer");

void handleNotFound()
  String message = "File Not Found\n\n";
  message += "URI: ";
  message += server.uri();
  message += "\nMethod: ";
  message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET)?"GET":"POST";
  message += "\nArguments: ";
  message += server.args();
  message += "\n";
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<server.args(); i++)
    message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n";
  server.send(404, "text/plain", message);
  digitalWrite(led, 0);

void setup(void)
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
  Serial.println("\nStarting HelloServer on " + String(BOARD_TYPE));

  // start the ethernet connection and the server:
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

  server.on("/", handleRoot);

  server.on("/inline", [](){
    server.send(200, "text/plain", "This works as well");


  Serial.print(F("HTTP EthernetWebServer is @ IP : "));

void loop(void)
The following are debug terminal output and screen shot when running example AdvancedWebServer ( ... dWebServer) on Teensy 4.0


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