You can install directly from Arduino Library Manager
By design, Blynk user can run ESP32/ESP8266 boards with either WiFi or GSM/GPRS by using different sketches, and have to upload / update firmware to change. This library enables user to include both Blynk GSM/GPRS and WiFi libraries in one sketch, run both WiFi and GSM/GPRS simultaneously, or select one to use at runtime after reboot.
- This is the new library, adding to the current Blynk_WiFiManager. It's designed to help you eliminate `hardcoding` your Blynk credentials in ESP32 and ESP8266 boards using GSM shield (SIM800, SIM900, etc).
- You can update GSM Modem and Blynk Credentials any time you need to change via Configure Portal. Data are saved in SPIFFS or configurable locations in EEPROM.
So, how it works?
If it detects no valid stored Credentials or it cannot connect to the Blynk server in 30 seconds, it will switch to Configuration Mode. You will see your built-in LED turned ON. In Configuration Mode, it starts a WiFi access point called ESP_xxxxxx. Connect to it using password MyESP_xxxxxx.
You can set:
1. static Config Portal IP address by using Blynk_WF.setConfigPortalIP(IPAddress(xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx))
2. random Config Portal WiFi channel by using Blynk_WF.setConfigPortalChannel(0)
3. selected Config Portal WiFi channel by using Blynk_WF.setConfigPortalChannel(channel)

After you connected, go to, the Browser will display the following page:

Enter your credentials (APN, GPRS User, GPRS Pass, GPRS PIN, Blynk Token, Server and Port).

Then click `Save`. After the board auto-restarted, you will see if it's connected to your Blynk server successfully.
This is the link to Blynk
Blynk was designed for the IoT (Internet of Things). It can control hardware remotely, it can display sensor data, it can store data, visualize it and do many other cool things.

You can install and use Local Blynk Server (RPi Zero W, 3B+, 4, Laptop, PC, etc) to have full control.
The Server source code is in Public Domain and written in Java. You can download, compile and use to be sure having full control.
Use Local Blynk Server
Blynk Server
Blynk Server Source Code