Dedicated SRAM for each processor?

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Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:11 pm

Dedicated SRAM for each processor?

Postby pushtoopen » Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:47 am

Hey all, This: viewtopic.php?t=5450 link is an old conversation talking about how ESP32 can access up to 16MB of additional ram. Additionally it mentions that you can map the 4MB of extra ram location to separate processors.

Does this actually exist? Can I map 4MB of SRAM to one processor and 4MB of separate SRAM to the other processor, and avoid developing a himem process to juggle? I haven't seen anywhere in ESP-IDF documentation actually showing how to do this.

Let me know, thanks!

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Re: Dedicated SRAM for each processor?

Postby WiFive » Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:48 am

It's possible but the use case is limited because you cant pass any extram pointers between CPUs or use from tasks that run on both CPUs.

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Re: Dedicated SRAM for each processor?

Postby pushtoopen » Sun Oct 06, 2019 2:51 pm

Is it toolchain API supported? Or do you have to do some silly stuff to get that to happen?

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Re: Dedicated SRAM for each processor?

Postby WiFive » Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:30 pm

Silly stuff

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