Hello, I am developer who using ESP32 for small-company's BLE Mesh based product.
For commercial products that using bluetooth, they should have suitable Vendor ID for their commercial usage and release.
It's my first bluetooth develop so I may not understand bluetooth well.
But as I know , USB organization requires same system. And when I play USB with ATMEL(Microchip)'s MCU.
It was allowed to use ATMEL's Vendor ID.
Like I told on title of this post. Can I use Espressif's Bluetooth Vendor ID "0x02E5" for commercial usage that using ESP32-WROOM-32D or WROVER Series?.
Using Espressif's Bluetooth Vendor ID "0x02E5" for commercial product.
Re: Using Espressif's Bluetooth Vendor ID "0x02E5" for commercial product.
No, you have to become a member, declare each product, etc... But you should be able to reference espressif QDIDs when you do that.
Re: Using Espressif's Bluetooth Vendor ID "0x02E5" for commercial product.
Thanks for reply me.
I read some from BLUETOOTH SIG websites.
Seems there's IIP program for first develop & publishing with Bluetooth tech.
https://apps.bluetooth.com/innovation-i ... index.html
It provide discounted price 8000$ to 2500$ for each maximum 2 product listing service and Declation ID.
Uh It's still expensive to me. but maybe i should get this hmm.
Anyway , I will pay for Declarations service for getting ID. But cannot sure should I pay for product listing as duty.
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