ESP-Azure: tlsio_esp_tls_send_async without a prior successful open error

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ESP-Azure: tlsio_esp_tls_send_async without a prior successful open error

Postby fodgeri » Thu May 16, 2019 6:30 pm


I have a problem to maintain a stable connection to the Azure IoT Hub with the esp-azure sdk. I would like to upload the data from a queue to the hub continuously but the connection fails after 1 or 2 hours and the esp could not reconnect. This is the error message I get:

IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync accepted message [1741] for transmission to IoT Hub.
Error: Time:Sat May 4 08:31:18 2019 File:/home/dev/esp/esp-azure/port/src/tlsio_esp_tls.c Func:tlsio_esp_tls_send_async Line:543 tlsio_esp_tls_send_async without a prior successful open
Error: Time:Sat May 4 08:31:18 2019 File:/home/dev/esp/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/umqtt/src/mqtt_client.c Func:sendPacketItem Line:371 542: Failure sending control packet data
Error: Time:Sat May 4 08:31:18 2019 File:/home/dev/esp/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/umqtt/src/mqtt_client.c Func:mqtt_client_publish Line:1059 Error: mqtt_client_publish send failed
Error: Time:Sat May 4 08:31:18 2019 File:/home/dev/esp/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothubtransport_mqtt_common.c Func:publish_mqtt_telemetry_msg Line:865 Failed attempting to publish mqtt message

Here is my code for the task:

Code: Select all

void azure_task(void *pvParameter)
    xEventGroupWaitBits(wifi_event_group, CONNECTED_BIT,
                        false, true, portMAX_DELAY);
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected to AP success!");


    int result;
    esp_err_t err;
    IOTHUB_SECURITY_TYPE security_type;
    //security_type = IOTHUB_SECURITY_TYPE_SAS;
    security_type = IOTHUB_SECURITY_TYPE_X509;


    IOTHUB_DEVICE_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE device_ll_handle;
    if ((device_ll_handle = IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString(conn_string, MQTT_Protocol)) == NULL)
        (void)printf("Failure creating device Auth!\r\n");
        result = __LINE__;
        size_t msg_count = 0;
        IOTHUB_CLIENT_SAMPLE_INFO iothub_info;

        iothub_info.stop_running = 0;

        (void)IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SetMessageCallback(device_ll_handle, receive_msg_callback, &iothub_info);
        (void)IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SetConnectionStatusCallback(device_ll_handle, connection_status_callback, &iothub_info);
            while (xQueueReceive(azure_queue, &dataToAzure, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
                    static char msgText[1024];
                    sprintf_s(msgText, sizeof(msgText), "%s", dataToAzure);
                    IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE msg_handle = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray((const unsigned char*)msgText, strlen(msgText));
                    if (msg_handle == NULL)
                        (void)printf("ERROR: iotHubMessageHandle is NULL!\r\n");
                        IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendEventAsync(device_ll_handle, msg_handle, NULL, NULL);
                        (void)printf("IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync accepted message [%zu] for transmission to IoT Hub.\r\n", msg_count);
                        IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS status;

                        while ((IoTHubClient_LL_GetSendStatus(device_ll_handle, &status) == IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) && (status == IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY))


    // Clean up the iothub sdk handle

    // Free all the sdk subsystem

Thank you for your help in advance!


Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:51 am

Re: ESP-Azure: tlsio_esp_tls_send_async without a prior successful open error

Postby marius_sch_priv » Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:31 am

did you solve this problem?
I got the same problem and don't know what to do :(

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