ESP32 with USB battery charger & USB virtual CD + HID serial port

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ESP32 with USB battery charger & USB virtual CD + HID serial port

Postby RetroZvoc » Sat May 04, 2019 10:47 pm

I'm looking for an ESP32 board with a USB port that can be used to charge a Li-Po battery while operating the board. The key feature I need is a USB chip that can convert ESP32's USART communication into a HID serial port while providing a virtual CD with a virtual filesystem containing a minimalistic terminal app so that whoever uses the device won't have to install anything. The point of this is to enable the user to set up the initial WiFi password and some sensor calibrations by using the terminal and to upload a firmware in case the ESP32 is bricked. Using a screen and/or buttons is out of the question since it's a soil measurement project for college graduation.

Is there such a board? If not, what boards would I need combine and with which components to make this work correctly? Is Arduino Leonardo enough for the USB controlling or do I need a more powerful controller? I need to have the Bill of Materials to send to my mentor.

Thank you in advance!

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