Transmitted Power Measurements for FCC and RED

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Transmitted Power Measurements for FCC and RED

Postby Bilalakra » Fri Apr 26, 2019 4:48 am


for the Certification of the ESP-32 WROOM module we are trying for a while to measure the conducted power so these measurements should have to match to those measurements done by essressiv for RED and FCC . In the RED Test Reports the Wifi ist beeing measured for 11.b/g/n for round about 14 dBm.

Somehow we are not able to measure these values at the moment..
we have already done these conducted power measurements on our PCB and also on those devkits and each time the values differ from the 14 dbm. for example using two different divkits would lead by 11.b/g/n by the first board for 17, 13, 12 dBm and by the other to 12, 9, dmB. we are using for this reason a spectrum analyzer from Rohde und Schwarz and connected the whole by coax where the antenna ist beeing seperated . and The same values are also beeing measured by our boards where this module ist also used. (Packet mode)

Another thing is that we've falshed the chip with the test software which we ist to download on esspressiv web "ESP32_RF_TEST_BIN_V1.4.6_20181019.bin"

can you explain me why should we have different power transimitted from the same Dev.Kits board beeing programmed by the same software, do we have to configure anything else to get the same values as in FCC or in Red or maybe should we take care of the adress of the adress where the bin files are beeing flashed to.

notice that we are using the espRFTool to programm the chip and start the measurements.

Thank you in advanced.

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