configuring UART

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Re: configuring UART

Postby WiFive » Thu Aug 02, 2018 10:52 pm

The most common solution for no uart data is swap the tx and rx.

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Re: configuring UART

Postby linuxpaul » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:29 pm

What are you missing exactly?
the log output?
may be something like this?

further within my TCP UART Bridge
I was working with a similar config by default but without
uart_config.rx_flow_ctrl_thresh = 122;
uart_config.use_ref_tick = true;
config and without uart queue


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Re: configuring UART

Postby mzimmers » Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:38 pm

Hi Paul - I just want to enable UART1 so I can use it, either for redirecting logging, or writing to it myself.

I think the current hangup might be due to a hardware error, so we're looking into that now. I'll report back when I have more information.


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Re: configuring UART

Postby akashkalghatgi » Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:25 am

Posting for someone who still needs help on this topic.
[Note: I'm using IDFv4.4 dev]

Step1: got to menuconfig -> component config -> esp system settings -> channel for console output
Set to - Custom UART
Come one level behind and you'll find new options: UART peripheral to use for console output
Set this to UART1
You may also change the pins for UART0/1 that you are using now, by writing them in "UART Tx in GPIO# " option,
if you want to use UART0 pins (Tx-GPIO1 & Rx-GPIO3) for other purposes or change their respective pins.

Now, save and quit menuconfig -> flash operation is always done through UART0 (GPIO 1&3) but monitoring can now be done through UART1
However, on every reset (POWER_ON/SW_RESET/WDT_RESET, etc.) the UART0 pins will output bootloader logs even-though they are supposed to be printed through UART1. For this, I tried setting BOOTLOADER and LOGOUTPUT to NONE in menuconfig, but it only stopped printing the respective logs on UART1 (coz. we had set it that way).
The real solution is to pulldown GPIO15 so that even those bootup logs at UART0 can be stopped and now you're free to use the GPIO 1&3 for I/O operations.

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