Packet transmission failure caused by Not enough space

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Joined: Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:32 am

Re: Packet transmission failure caused by Not enough space

Postby benjammin2068 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:35 am

Just to chime in, I'm on API v5.2(.1)

Having the same issue --- and have worked in the backoff/delay for sendto() returning ENOMEM.

Keeps the system from crashing - just kind of surprised a 115200 serial stream echoing packets (various sizes from 6 to <500bytes) backs up with 2 stations connected to an ESP32-S3 in softAP mode. (running the ESP32 at 240MHz)

Right now, my 2 tasks are running on CPU1 -- which maybe seems to help a little?

This is my first project with an ESP32 and FreeRTOS --- so I don't know how intelligent FreeRTOS is about spreading tasks across cores.

I also wonder, if 64 Static TX buffers is faster than 128 dynamic buffers? I don't know what the overhead for allocating is?
I'm not running out of memory on this -- just apparently TX buffers.

So - any other performance tuning suggestions would be appreciated.



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