I can see that other wifi and bluetooth tasks are also using core0 and my code is affecting them. Unfortunately arduino framework does support vTaskDelay() Api to list the task's details. Is there anyway i can sortout this problem?
Code for downloading the log file which sizes upto 2mb.
- server.on("/data", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
- request->send(LittleFS, "/readings.txt","text/plain");
- });
- server.on("/download", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
- request->send(LittleFS, "/readings.txt", String(), true);
- });
- core0 code
- void getSensor(void *pvParameter){ // thhis func runs in core 0
- initMPU(); // initializing mpu
- while(1){
- mpuLoop();
- vTaskDelay(1);
- }
- }