I've been programming with C++/ESP-IDF a while now, but want to switch my project over to use Arduino IDE instead.
During the initial Arduino tests I've come across an issue with I2C, and then I realize that I haven't told the Arduino sketch which of the ESP32 pins I'm using for I2C. In the normal Arduino world the pins are hardcoded, and you don't need to set them - but how does that work in the ESP32 world?
How can I tell my Arduino sketch to use GPIO32 for SCL, and GPIO33 for SDA?
Set I2C pins used by Wire.h?
Re: Set I2C pins used by Wire.h?
You can pass extra arguments to Wire.begin:
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-es ... Wire.h#L55
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-es ... pp#L49-L63
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-es ... Wire.h#L55
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-es ... pp#L49-L63
Re: Set I2C pins used by Wire.h?
Perfect, that worked!
Re: Set I2C pins used by Wire.h?
I was wondering if you have an example for this function to be used in the code. New to Arduino and ESP32. Grateful to receive any help here.
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