Connection and Flashing Issues

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Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:41 pm

Connection and Flashing Issues

Postby SevenDev » Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:59 pm

Hey there,

I have a recent issue with the esp32 DevkitV1 board I've been using. I've had this board for over a year at this point and it always worked great. I use it periodically but not a crazy amount or anything. Over the last few days, I brought it back out to work on a little project to control an led strip over wifi. I've got a sketch now that worked great and last night I was uploading code, testing it, and iterating on it just fine. Everything was working as expected but now this morning less than 12 hours later, my board appears mostly dead.

When plugged into my pc, it shows up under device manager, and the Arduino IDE has the correct COM port showing up when plugged in. Every other time I plug it in, the onboard blue led will be on. The current sketch that it has on it has some lines it prints to the serial monitor on boot up, to indicate it connecting to wifi. With the serial monitor open, nothing shows up when the board is plugged in or rebooted. Once connected to wifi, the board hosts a small website I've been able to view by going to the esp's IP address but that is also no longer available.

When trying to upload code, it does the classic Connecting........_____....._____....._____..... and normally I have to press the BOOT button to make it connect, however that does not work anymore. I also tried connecting a 10uF capacitor between the EN pin and ground with no luck.

I can buy a new board but I really don't want to if I don't have to... it was working great last night and nothing has changed since I unplugged it last night and plugged it back in this morning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I can send the sketch if really necessary but I know that it worked last night and I have not made any changes. Thanks

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:01 pm

Re: Connection and Flashing Issues

Postby Brony29 » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:42 pm

Hi! I have the same problem exactly! About 2 days ago everything was great, but the next evening I had a silence at serial port and no ability to load any sketch into my ESP32 DevKit 30 pin. I had checked everything: drivers, reinstalled esp libs, tried non-esp examples, pressed EN and BOOT (and boot-en together to enter "boot mode"). Nothing helps.
Next, I checked CP2102 converter. With short-circuited TX0/RX0 and pressed EN there is echo at terminal. So cp2102 is alived.
There is 5V and 3V3 on plate. Current consumption abot 22mA and with pressed EN it's about 10-12mA.
It seems like it is waiting for booting a firmware permamently, because all strapping pins have "at he booting" states (GPIO 0 - high with unpressed "BOOT" and low with pressed btn; GPIO 2 - low; GPIO 12 - low; GPIO15- high).
It's not important, but befor it happened, I wrote a scketch with http OTA updates of firmware and spiffs filesystem, using <Updater.h>.
Hope, there is way to solve the problem ))

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