Code: Select all
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(showScreen, "showScreen", 2048, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
I tried a lot of things to prevent the error, but nothing helped:E (11583) task_wdt: Task watchdog got triggered. The following tasks did not reset the watchdog in time:
E (11583) task_wdt: - IDLE0 (CPU 0)
E (11583) task_wdt: Tasks currently running:
E (11583) task_wdt: CPU 0: showScreen
E (11583) task_wdt: CPU 1: loopTask
E (11583) task_wdt: Aborting.
esp_task_wdt_feed() in the task loop - it didn't help
esp_task_wdt_reset() in the task loop - it didn't help
esp_task_wdt_deinit() before create the task - it didn't help
esp_task_wdt_delete(th) after create the task - it didn't help
The only thing that helped to stop WDT is delay(1) instruction, but delay for 1 ms is too much for my purpose .
Could anybody tell me the official way (which really works) to stop WDT in a task ?