ESP32-Wrover-Kit Com ports

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ESP32-Wrover-Kit Com ports

Postby bdrmachine » Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:18 pm

I have a ESP32-Wrover-Kit Dev board. The one usb port creates 2 com ports in my Win10 Device Manager: Dual RS232-HS (Interface 0) and Dual RS232-HS (Interface 1). These interfaces show up as Com3 and Com4 on my pc. To use JTAG debugging in Platformio I have to use Zadig to change interface0 driver from FTDIBUS (v2.12.36.4) to WinUSB (V6.1.7600.16385). When I do this on Interface 0 only debugging works. The trouble is once the driver is changed only Com4 shows up in my device manager and I am not able to view serial port output on my terminal. How do I get the port to show up? Changing interface 1 driver to WinUSB does not fix this either.

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