VS Code module maintaining

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VS Code module maintaining

Postby Gamarra » Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:08 pm

Hi, I am coding with VS Code, I have something like the following:

\code\test (almost anything starts here it is the only folder not versioned)
\code\module (here I have a project for each custom API/driver/nodule, all of them versioned)
\code\trunk (the whole project, use API, drivers, etc )

Actually, after a module is "done" I just copy .c/.h/anything else to the trunk project, If I change something files from the trunk and module will not match anymore. I should include files from the module instead, right? What is the right way to do this on VS Code?

I am having a hard time writing modules for embedded systems, without dependency on other modules and main.c, any book o reference to read?

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