I have two of them setup connected together with TX & RX joined, and I have another device with two serial ports that I can see whats being sent from both devices simultaneously.
All commands send between are prefixed with ESP_ and all lines are standard termination with Linefeed like from println()
I have a command processor that ignores anything without the ESP_ prefix, so I get debugging info and console without interference.
I load the same code into both devices, and the one that detects an SD card attached becomes module number 1.
Now - here's the (summarised view) of the setup code and output.
The systems stand alone work fine. I can issue commands and instruct and switch LEDs, take photos, get status etc.
When I join them, sometimes they get stuck at boot.
The serial output from the setup() code within 2-3 lines of code, already has corrupt serial transmission. (I'm running at 115200 baud)
Here's the output log example. Left is module 1 transmissions and number 2 on the right.
- 1: debug:Running as module number 1.
- 1: No log detected yet
- 1: Set Log=exists
- 2: debug:Cam setup done.
- 2: ESP_LOG=Cam setup done.
- 1: Listing directory: /
- 2: debug:Module 2 ready to serve...
- 1: DIR : /System Volume Information
- 1: FILE: /index.html SIZE:2 1048576
- 1: FILE: /foo.txt SIZE: 52file: Setting time: Mon Nov 1 12:00:
- 1: debug:Wifi begin
- 2: ESP_LOG=Module 2 ready to servTotal heap: 303272 Free heap: 219396 Total PSRAM: 4194220 Free PSRAM: 3426220
- 1: .-debug:Time init finished
- 1: Monday, November 01 2021 22:00:02
- 1: debug:got time
- 1: Wifi RSSI=-51
- 1: debug:Cam setup done.
- 1: debug:Go Green
- 1: Starting web server on port: '80'
- 1: Total heap: 300832 Free heap: 129220 Total PSRAM: 4194220 Free PSRAM: 3426220
- 1: Ready! Use '' to connect
- 1: debug:Module 1 ready to TX/RX with other module
and the code that generates it
- void showMem()
- {
- return;
- Serial.printf("Total heap: %7d ", ESP.getHeapSize());
- Serial.printf("Free heap: %7d ", ESP.getFreeHeap());
- Serial.printf("Total PSRAM: %7d ", ESP.getPsramSize());
- Serial.printf("Free PSRAM: %7d\n", ESP.getFreePsram());
- }
- void debug(char *txt)
- {
- Serial.printf("debug:%s\n",txt);
- if (moduleNumber==2) {
- // Send it for number 1 for logging
- Serial.printf("ESP_LOG=%s\n",txt);
- } else {
- sdAppendLog(txt);
- sdAppendLog("\n");
- }
- }
- // Heaps of other stuff here like Wifi setup, Camera setup etc.
- setup()
- {
- if (moduleNumber==1) {
- sd_init();
- sd_listdir();
- startCameraServer();
- showMem();
- Serial.print("Ready! Use 'http://");
- Serial.print(WiFi.localIP());
- Serial.println("' to connect");
- delay(2000);
- debug("Module 1 ready to TX/RX with other module");
- sendCmd("ESP_LED1=008000");
- } else {
- debug("Module 2 ready to serve...");
- delay(200);
- showMem();
- delay(200);
- lastTimeCheck=millis(); // Init timer
- }
- } // End of SETUP()
But the second ourput is corrupted at the end by the showMem() output that comes next near the end of setup().
If there some buffer / flow control management I need in my serial prints ?
Coming from the old RS232 days I would day yes, but I can't believe that such a small amount of text being sent would cause issues here. And I also assumed that the Arduino Serial.print functions would handle this
Immediately following that last transmit from module 2, it seems to hang and not respond to further commands. But if I disconnect the two serial lines they continue to startup and run and will accept commands from my serial console.
Anyone with thoughts - I'd really like to hear it.
And sorry for the messy code.