ESP32-S2-WROOM Powering up randomly to Download boot mode

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ESP32-S2-WROOM Powering up randomly to Download boot mode

Postby noebl1 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:22 pm

I'm working on a custom board using an ESP32-S2-WROOM module, and looking at the schematics of the ESP32-S2-Saola and the datasheets, thought I was pretty close to the recommended layout. I've been having a problem where it intermittently powers up to Download Boot mode. Reading the boot strapping section, I had GPIO45 and GPIO46 floating and no connections, so tried tying GPIO45 to ground in an effort to force to VDD_SPI voltage to 3.3v. I thought it was working, but found still boots randomly to Download if the board has been powered off for awhile then powered back on. If the board had been powered and I pull/reapply power within a short period, seems to constantly boot as expected.

I'm using to upload to the board for development/serial monitoring, and feel like I am missing something really obvious. Thank you!
Screenshot from 2021-08-08 11-09-44.png
Screenshot from 2021-08-08 11-09-44.png (22.15 KiB) Viewed 4043 times

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Re: ESP32-S2-WROOM Powering up randomly to Download boot mode

Postby ESP_Sprite » Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:40 am

C1 likely is your problem. After a long powerdown, it starts out discharged and until the built-in pullup on GPIO0 has managed to charge it, the value on GPIO0 will read as a 0. Either remove the capacitance if you don't need button debouncing, or connect it between IO0 and 3.3V if you do.

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Re: ESP32-S2-WROOM Powering up randomly to Download boot mode

Postby noebl1 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:38 pm

I will give that a shot, thank you!!!

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Re: ESP32-S2-WROOM Powering up randomly to Download boot mode

Postby noebl1 » Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:51 pm

Just following up this worked fine, thank you for the help!

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