About interrupts of ESP32-WROOM-32U (4MB)

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About interrupts of ESP32-WROOM-32U (4MB)

Postby NY20200803 » Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:11 am

In an environment where interrupts with io are not possible
I want to control interrupts.
Control content: It would be nice if the LED could be output once every 2 seconds.
Even if I use "MsTimer2.zip", it doesn't work properly.
Make such an interrupt
Do you have a sample program?
=Usage environment=
ic ESP32-WROOM-32U (4MB)
Software ARDUINO

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Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:20 pm

Re: About interrupts of ESP32-WROOM-32U (4MB)

Postby lbernstone » Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:55 pm

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