I guess I need your help with the SPI interface.
I downloaded a current master branch of the esp-idf and included the LCD component from the ESP IoT Solution which included/wrapped the Adafruit GFX Library (esp-iot-solution/components/spi_devices/lcd/) to drawing text string to my ILI9341 LCD Display.
This was a very straight forwarded way and my code build successfully.
BUT: Writing to the display seems very very slow at this moment. Currently I don't know why. If I writing a string to the display, I can see building up the text character by character on the display. This is a wrong behaviour.
I uses the following code to initilialize the LCD and getting a lcd_obj object to access the display:
Code: Select all
void initialise_lcd(void)
/*Initialize LCD*/
lcd_conf_t lcd_pins = {
.lcd_model = LCD_MOD_ILI9341,
.pin_num_miso = GPIO_NUM_12, // leave unconnected
.pin_num_mosi = GPIO_NUM_13,
.pin_num_clk = GPIO_NUM_14,
.pin_num_cs = GPIO_NUM_15,
.pin_num_dc = GPIO_NUM_26, // better 35
.pin_num_rst = GPIO_NUM_25, // better 34
.pin_num_bckl = GPIO_NUM_17, // leave unconnected
.clk_freq = 40 * 1000 * 1000,
.rst_active_level = 0,
.bckl_active_level = 0,
.spi_host = HSPI_HOST,
.init_spi_bus = true,
if (lcd_obj == NULL) {
lcd_obj = new CEspLcd(&lcd_pins);
// write test
lcd_obj->setTextColor(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_ESP_BKGD);
lcd_obj->drawString("HELLO WORLD", 3, 40);
Please did you have any idea what is my mistake?
Thank you very much,