UART DMA Change Idle Time

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Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:21 pm

UART DMA Change Idle Time

Postby trawgz » Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:27 pm


I tried to use UART DMA on lowest level (using only registers, because of performance reasons), which also works. But I cannot change the idle time of the UART DMA. It seems that the idle time is fixed to 185 bytes. I have activated this idle time by setting UHCI.uart_idle_eof_en, but did not found anything related to change the idle time to my use cases.

Best Regards

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Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:21 pm

Re: UART DMA Change Idle Time

Postby trawgz » Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:41 pm

Problem solved - Never searched in UART struct for something related to this (UART.idle_conf.rx_idle_thrhd).

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Re: UART DMA Change Idle Time

Postby Elhawy » Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:08 am

Hi Trawgz,

would you please share any example on how to configure UART with DMA

best regards,

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